Thursday, December 01, 2005

View Your Windows (NTFS) disk in (Ubuntu) Linux


sudo fdisk -l

to see where Linux considers your Windows partition to be. Look for the HPFS/NTFS entry. as (note the title) Windows XP generally formats your drive as NTFS.

next, make a folder (directory) somewhere on your Linux system to serve as a gateway to your Windows partition (a mount point). A good one would be /media/windows. Most Linux distributions today mount removable drives in the /media folder, rather than the older /mnt (short for "mount").

sudo mkdir /media/windows

(these commands require administrator or "root" permissions -- on most linuxes, you'd just enter the root account via "su" and type all the commands directly -- however Ubuntu disables root by default, so you need to prefix each command with "sudo". Sudo allows a user to run individual commands with root privileges.)

sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222

Where /dev/hda1 is where the fdisk -l command above said your NTFS partition is located. If it is located elsewhere, replace /dev/hda1 with where it is located.

from Desire2Design


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