Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Microsoft talks color

All you've never wanted to know about color when it comes to digital devices.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Lorem Ipsum: What does it mean?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris vitae metus. Vestibulum vel ante. Donec condimentum, ante vel ultrices dignissim, velit nulla sagittis dolor, eu sagittis urna sem fringilla risus. Ut leo. Morbi pharetra quam eget magna. Vestibulum et elit non ipsum aliquam aliquam. Integer sollicitudin molestie wisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Pellentesque imperdiet. Ut neque. Donec egestas, est vel porta feugiat, dolor felis tincidunt lectus, eget faucibus elit nunc ut sem. Sed tortor. Morbi molestie ipsum non ante. Sed porttitor, felis venenatis rhoncus dignissim, dui mi eleifend purus, eu pretium dui mauris ac magna. Donec risus enim, varius in, suscipit ut, bibendum eu, elit. Maecenas a diam quis massa convallis congue. Aenean justo justo, ultrices a, rhoncus at, interdum hendrerit, lacus. Fusce a turpis. Donec rhoncus justo nec mauris. Curabitur pretium risus quis eros. Fusce faucibus.

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Monday, April 18, 2005

My Linguistic Profile

Your Linguistic Profile:

60% General American English

30% Yankee

5% Dixie

5% Upper Midwestern

0% Midwestern

The Registry is the Windows Achilles' Heel

I can only hope that the changes described here are still going to be in Longhorn. It's only a start... The Registry -- which appeared in Windows 3.1 with its only jobs being to link those three-letter DOS filename extensions to specific programs, and to tell Windows where OLE & DDE enabled programs were -- has become a huge monster. Actually one of the Windows' Registry's faults (probably the central fault) stems exactly from its role as the application location phonebook. This is why once you install Windows apps, you cannot move them to another disk or folder. The registry is also a contributing factor why Windows programs need elaborate installer and uninstaller programs, whereas on a Macintosh you can just copy a folder into your system to install. Uninstall is downright DOSian with just moving the application folder to the trash.