Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Well, it looks like Six Apart is down...

That means two of my main weblogs are down with it -- Sterling Ambivalence and Sterling Ambivalence's The Occasional Blargh are down with it (In addition to a lot of blogs on a lot of commercial and personal sites that I read -- since Six Apart bills itself as a professional blogging service).

Oddly enough, this page is not meant to be read by anyone other than me -- it was mostly a dumping ground to interesting links (now being posted to my Delicious account), or instructions on how to get my computer up and running later. OK, this blog got a boost of activity when I discovered YouTube, and I discovered that LJ didn't completely support YouTube. Of course that ended quickly once LJ started supported inline video fully.

But I'm back here posting again, since 6A is dead for the time being (I can only guess that James Baker's call to officially end the war has actually caused the pundit horde of blogger hot-air to actually suffocate the 6A servers). I guess what this means is I should do more to integrate this site and publicize this page to people on from my LJ sites in the event 6A goes down.

Anyway, for some reason, I decided to open this blog to comments, and believe it or not, people have actually commented. I have yet to check to see if they're mostly spam or not, but if not, I'm beyond surprised. I did get one interesting comment from another blogger on Blogger to whom I left a message praising a post he wrote (subject: Wonder Woman). See, even though I don't post much here, I do use this Blogger account to post comments on a few other blogs. Interestingly enough, he managed to track me down not only to comment back, but to remark on a comment I wrote on another BlogSpot subdomain on which I squat (which is where I post even less polished thoughts than I do here).

I guess this is a rather roundabout way to say I probably should update the biography pages (Blogger, LiveJournal, Vox) of the blogs I write so I can at least direct people to where I write more.

And as I complete this post, SixApart is back up...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps you were having a a connectivity problem? I've been using their sites throughout the day and didn't notice anything amiss.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 8:40:00 PM  
Blogger Wes said...

It cleared up this afternoon, around 11am ET, I could not log on or post to any SixApart hosted site. You can see the status reports from today for Typepad and LiveJournal .

But it looks like things are running smoothly again.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 9:18:00 PM  

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