Thursday, July 06, 2006

This Laptop Doubles as a Camp Fire. . .

Toronto Globe and Mail: Laptops have been really hot lately!

These numbers from the article strike me ---
[L]aptop companies have recalled more than 150,000 batteries since Jan. 1, 2005. Hewlett-Packard recalled 15,700 of them in April alone. Dell retrieved 22,000 batteries in December and Apple recalled about 120,000 batteries in 2005.

Empahsis mine...

Dell and HP are in the top 5 computer sellers... Apple isn't! And yet, Apple accounts for 4/5 of that figure! If that isn't a copy error, that is remarkable!

You know... I'm an idiot. I should have read that paragraph closer. Those numbers for HP and Dell are single month figures, whereas Apple's were for the entire year. Still, given the statistical fuckup in the above analysis, Apple still manages to have accounted for at least 80% of battery recalls since January 2005 (again if that copy is right, and if I have read that article right). Also, it seems that the number of recalled batteries isn't a static statistic. (If you multiply either HP's or Dell's numbers by 12, you exceed the annual reported recalls of notebook batteries.) I still find that Apple has recalled over a hundred thousand batteries in a calendar year is a remarkable stastic. It seems that Apple has a disproportionate problem with its supplied batteries. I would like to know why.


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